Assessment Regarding

    Business ImmigrationGeneral ImmigrationFamily Sponsership

    Basic Information

    Spouse's (Husband, Wife of Common-Law Partner) Personal Details (If Applicable)

    Place of Birth

    Net Worth

    Your personal net worth is the current value of all assets(e.g. properties, investments, stocks, bonds, bank accounts) that you (and your spouse/common-law partner, if applicable) personally own , MINUS the current value of all your combined personal libalities (e.g. mortgages, loans, credit card balances). Please be sure to include your share of the value of any businessess that you own

    Business Experience

    Your management experience may have been gained in pravite or public business, international agency, government or government department, professional practice, or farming.

    During any two of the last five years:

    Description of Business

    Business Plan in Canada




    Exploratory Visit


    Final Details


    I certify that the above information provied by me in the Free Assessment is true.

    Futher More*

    I consent to Steps Immmigration Inc. contacting me in relation to the above free assessment.